Their points system for lotteries is pretty transparent: get 25000 points ($2500 ignoring point bonuses) and you can enter. Oh did I mention that Total Wine has a lot of Spirits Direct crap? And that I'm annoyed with it? I don't have Grand Reserve status so there is obviously no way I'll ever see anything more rare than these bottles. They do put out semi-rare items such as ER, WSR, HMK10, ECBP, BT handles, and KC12 twice a week, carefully blended among their (you guessed it) Spirits Direct crap. Although about half the time recently when I have a bottle of it in my hand I get approached and they push Redemption Wheated, which is part of their Spirits Direct crap. Their prices are good however and it is the only place I can get my daily drinker Maker's 46 for $25, most other places charge $30-$40.

Also I'm on their mailing list and they do have coupons, but they only apply to their (you guessed it) Spirits Direct crap. They are OK, but I seriously cringe when hearing one of their employees making bourbon recommendations to another customer. Here in Colorado we only recently got a second Total Wine, with this one on my end of town. Texacer's Guide to Tasting/Nosing/Reviewing Helpful Stuffīeginner's and Intermediate Guide to Bourbon As well as any news articles or bourbon related internet things. R/Whisky r/WorldWhisky r/Scotch /r/Whiskyporn Whisky Network GuideĪll Discussions and Reviews of Bourbon, Rye, and/or any American Whiskey are welcome and encouraged(yes, even Jack).